Real Truth

    These words may at first seem to be just a redundant phrase. People have searched for truth, with many making up their own truth as they went along in life. This search is not a new phenomenon. Pontius Pilate asked Jesus, "What is truth?" in John 18:37. You have heard it said in modern times that "truth is relative." You may have clicked on the link just a moment ago asking yourself, "What does Wilson believe is truth?" or "What is the meaning of the subtitle - Truth of Our Universe?" 

     I believe in objective truth, such we are on the third planet from the Sun. Obviously, there are certain truths that are different from person to person, such as what your name is. However, each of us has a name. 

      In my books, we go over the lives of many, many people. We see their joys, failures, and successes.  The Truth of Our Universe is not just that our lives fit into God's story of history, but that everything, from the molecules to the Heavens shows God's glory.  You probably already picked this up as you went through the books. 

     Many believe that we just came about as an accident. In 2016, published an article that said a cell was created using just 473 genes. It sounds pretty small, but each gene should have at least hundreds of DNA base pairs, if not more. This would be required to even have the information to have life. There are actually other things that are needed to continue on, including a cell wall, a way to process energy, etc. If not, then it is just a strand of DNA inside a cell wall. Then there are the things that are needed to read the DNA and reproduce. If you believe in evolution, you must have a living cell that can reproduce before you can have any kind of evolution. Probabilistically speaking, accidental life is impossible. 

    Many agree that evolution basically created all the life that is here on this planet. And as certainly, many also disagree with this. There are a multitude of books and sites that disagree with evolution creating or developing life. If you want to get started with a book, try Dr. John Ashton's Evolution Impossible. Other authors you might want to look at: Michael Behe, Stephen Meyer (of Signature in the Cell), and Douglas Axe. "Evolution's Achilles' Heels" was put together by 9 Ph.D scientists. 

     My books just serve as a simple reminder of the Truth of Our Universe.